Requirements for Submission
- ZINBUN is an academic journal issued once a year in March by the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University; it publishes articles, documents, and book reviews on various subjects in the humanities. Contributions can be written in English, French, or German, and should be published for the first time in that language.
- All researchers who have or have had an institutional affiliation with the Institute for Research in Humanities, including members of its research projects and visiting researchers, are qualified to submit contributions to ZINBUN. The Editorial Committee may also accept contributions (i.e. articles, documents, and book reviews) submitted by other researchers on an invitational basis.
- Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed by specialists designated by the Editorial Committee,which takes responsibility for the final decision for publication. The Editorial Committee informs contributors of the result of the peer review within 2 months of submission. The manuscripts are evaluated as (A) Publish as is, (B) Publish with revisions, or (C) Not accepted. If an author whose manuscript has been reviewed as (B) is not able to revise it according to the indications of the Editorial Committee within 1 month after the peer review, the manuscript will be rejected.
- Those wishing to submit a manuscript should send the provisional title and abstract (150-200 words) to the ZINBUN Editorial Committee by May 31. The manuscript submission period is closed at the end of August. There is no maximum limit to the number of pages, but manuscripts should count more than 2,000 words, and book reviews more than 1,000 words. Depending on the overall length and number of accepted papers, contributors might be requested to adjust their manuscripts. They might also be asked to incur additional printing costs, if necessary.
- Contributors must not submit the same manuscript to other journals.
- While preparing their manuscript, the contributors should follow the ‘Guidelines for Contributors’listed below.
- Contributors are required to secure the permission for the reproduction of any materials (illustrations,etc) included in their paper.
- Contributors should submit their manuscripts to the Editorial Committee in the form of (i) a text file or a word-processor file, and (ii) a PDF file. Submission of electronic data should be made via e-mail attachment or using a data storage device.
- Authors are allowed to proofread twice.
- Authors will not be remunerated for their contribution. However, we can provide 1 copy of the journal and 30 copies of the offprint free of charge upon request.
- Authors surrender the reproduction rights (rights of digitalization) and public transmission rights (rights to release publicly) of the manuscripts published in ZINBUN to the Institute for Research in Humanities. In order to facilitate distribution, the Institute can release published papers in the form of images or PDF files through the Kyoto University Research Information Repository (KURENAI) *.
Guidelines for Contributors
- Manuscripts are to be written in English, French, or German, on A4 paper.
- Manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract (about 200 words) and 5 keywords in the same language as the one used in the main text.
- Manuscripts should be annotated using footnotes, indicated in the text as superscripts, and numbered sequentially in the format 1), 2), etc.
- There is no particular requirement for the format of texts, citations, footnotes, etc. Contributors may follow the style commonly adopted in their field.
- The submitted articles should be divided into sections and each section heading should be preceded by an Arabic number.
- Contributors who wish to insert figures, graphs, or photographs in their text should submit them in a separate PDF file in the case of figures and graphs, or an appropriate electronic format in the case of photographs. In all cases, the materials should be accompanied by a number, a caption, and an indication of the source (where applicable); the place of insertion should be clearly indicated by the numbering.
- A book review should indicate, at the beginning of the text, the name of the author, the title (including subtitle, name of collection, number of volume, etc.), the place of publication, the publisher,the number of pages, and the price of the book reviewed.
- If the submitted manuscript has already been published in another language, the contributor should clearly indicate this in a footnote at the beginning of the text.
- Further questions concerning the preparation of manuscripts may be addressed to the Editorial Committee.
Address of the Editorial Committee of ZINBUN
Institute for Research in Humanities,
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan.