The TOHO GAKUHO: Journal of Oriental Studies Kyoto Number 73, March 2001
- KOGACHI Ryuichi, Prefaces to Commentaries from Later Han, Wei and Jin
- TOMIYA Itaru, The Way to the Jin Taishi 晉泰始 Statute and Ordinance(part「)-statute and Ordinance of Wei 魏 and Jin晉
- TAKASHIMA Ko, Land Tax Registers and Tax Administration in Republican China
- IKEDA Shuzo, On the saying “In ancient chinese texts, the preface was at the end”
- MORITA Kenji, On the available Material for the Study of the Imperial Examinations during the Yuan – with special Focus on the Editions by Qian Daxin 銭大昕
- KIN Bunkyo, Rinjuuitizetu 臨終一絶 of Otsunomiko 大津皇子 and Linxingshi 臨行詩 of Chen Houzhu 陳後主
- KAMITAKA Tokuharu, On the Text Wen Cui 文粹 published by Xushi Yuyuan 許氏楡園
- NOGUCHI Minoru, Ryogyo了行 and his Background
- MAKINO Kazuo, On the Background of Ryogyo了行 of the Senyoji 千葉寺 in Kashu 下州 as seen in the Addenda of the Song Version of the Issaikyo 一切經
- FUJIMOTO Yukio, Identifying Dates and Places of Publication of Old Korean Books using the Names of the Gravers
- NAKAJIMA Osahumi, On the Moulding of Ren Fangs 任昉 Shuyiji 述異記
- NAKAJIMA Osahumi, A Textual Criticism of Ren Fangs 任昉 Shuyiji 述異記
- KISHIMA Fumio, Changes of the Jingdian Shiwen 經典釋文 – As seen in the Patterns of Usage of the Shiwen copies of the Shundian 舜典
- Writings of Professor ARAMAKI Noritoshi 荒牧 典俊
- Writings of Professor KATSUMURA Tetsuya 勝村 哲也
- Writings of Professor YOSHIKAWA Tadao 吉川 忠夫
- News from the Institute(January 2000-December 2000)