ウィッテルン・クリスティアン 教授 – Professor WITTERN, Christian 業績
- 1998 「Das ‘Yulu’ des Chan-Buddhismus. Die Entwicklung vom 8.-11. Jahrhundert am Beispiel des 28. Kapitels des Jingde chuandenglu (1004)」 (Schweizerische Asiatische Studien, Monographien Bd.31) Peter Lang
- 2009 The making of TEI P5. (with Arianna Ciula and Conal Tuohy) Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol. 24 (3), pp.281-296.
- 2007 「Entrance Through the Scriptures: Catalogues and Electronic Text as a New Gate to the Buddhist Tradition」, Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal、Vol. 20、 pp.411-429.
- 2006 「Writing Systems and Character Representation」 in: Lou Burnard, Katherine O’Brien O’Keffe and John Unsworth (eds) Electronic Textual Editing, pp.291-298.
- 2005 「The Text in the Age of Digital Reproduction」 in: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Fourth Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism, pp.389-414.
- 2000 「Non-system characters in XML documents」『全国文献、情報センター人文社会科学学術情報セミナーシリーズ』, No. 10, pp.35-50.
- 1998 「The Issue of Rare Characters: Coding, Input and Output」 Annual meeting of Pacific Neighbourhood Consortium May 15-18, 1998. Proceedings, pp.449-472.
- 1994 「Code und Struktur: Einige vorlaeufige Ueberlegungen zum Aufbau chinesischer Volltextdatenbanken」, in: Chinesisch und Computer, Nr.9, pp.64-70.
- 1993 「Chinese Character Encoding」The Electronic Bodhidharma, Nr. 3 pp.44-47.