The intersection between modern Chinese and Japanese philosophical thoughts and their practices

班長:廖 欽彬
Coordinator: LIAO, Chin-ping

共同研究拠点>共同研究班一覧(2023年度)A,B へ
共同研究拠点>共同研究班一覧(2023年度)A,B,C へ




The purpose of this study is to examine the intersection between modern Chinese and Japanese philosophical thoughts and their practices during the 1910s and 1930s. The methodological characteristic of this study is to examine under the schema 1) of the reception and development of Western philosophy, and 2) of the conservative school and revolutionary school.

In the case of China, we will focus on the opposition to Western philosophy and the ideologies of the empires in the streams of thought such as liberal democracy of positivists and cultural revivalism of New Confucians, and unveil their Chinese elements. In the case of Japan, we will focus on the “Kyoto School” and the philosophy of Kuwaki Genyoku and others, highlight the Japanese elements of their opposition to Western philosophy, and compare them with the characteristics of Chinese philosophy.

In contrast to the conservative school mentioned above, this study will broaden its perspective to the revolutionary school. The development of Chinese and Japanese Marxist philosophy, focusing on the thoughts and practices of Japanese Marxists and Chinese revolutionaries who learned from them, will also be included in the scope of this research. In this way, we will examine synchronically the similarities and differences between revivalism and Japanism of the conservation school, as well as between communism and socialism of the revolutionary school in China and Japan, and examine their characteristics.


班員(学外) Off-Campus Members

氏名 Name 所属 Affiliation
廖 欽彬  
LIAO, Chin-Ping
[班長 Coordinator]中山大学 哲学系
Sun Yat-sen University
鈴木 将久 
SUZUKI, Masahisa
東京大学大学院 人文社会系研究科
The University of TOKYO
張 政遠  
CHEUNG, Ching-Yuen
東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科
The University of TOKYO
植村 和秀 
UEMURA, Kazuhide
京都産業大学 法学部
伊東 貴之 
ITO, Takayuki
総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
蘇 文博  
SU, Wen-Bo
総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
王 頌   
WANG, Song
北京大学 哲学系 宗教学系
PEKING University
唐 文明  
TANG, Wen-Ming
清華大学 哲学系
TSINGHUA University
張 偉   
中山大学 哲学系
Sun Yat-sen University
盛 福剛  
SHENG, Fu-Gang
武漢大学 哲学学院
WUHAN University

2023年12月14日 更新

班員(学内) On-Campus Members

氏名 Name 所属 Affiliation
藤田 正勝  
FUJITA, Masakatsu
Graduate School of Letters
出口 康夫  
Graduate School of Letters
上原 麻有子 
UEHARA, Mayuko
Graduate School of Letters
カク ミンソク
KWAK, Minseok
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies
張 潔    
Graduate School of Letters
安部 浩   
ABE, Hiroshi
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies

2023年12月14日 更新

班員(所内) Internal Members

氏名 Name 所属 Affiliation
福家 崇洋
FUKE, Takahiro
[副班長 Deputy Coordinator]
石川 禎浩
ISHIKAWA, Yoshihiro

2023年07月07日 更新