Evolution of the Indian Ontology in the Cyclic Image:
 Focusing around the Development Process from Ritualistic Thoughts to Philosophical Views

班長:手嶋 英貴
Coordinator: TESHIMA, Hideki

共同研究拠点>共同研究一覧(2023年度)A,B へ
共同研究拠点>共同研究一覧(2023年度)A,B,C へ



Since the first millennium BCE, Indian people have developed viewpoints for understanding how the world and living things exist, especially involving a cyclic image, such as viewpoints that “the world repeats its emersion and destruction forever” or that “all living things are in a continual cycle of birth and death.” From those, they have yielded the methodology of “reincarnation” based upon the notion of karmic retribution, as well as that of “cosmological cycle of four Yugas” apparently inspired by periodicity of the natural world. The former is the representative methodology regarding living (including human) beings, and the latter concerning the world which encompasses the lives. Cognate thoughts about the way of existence were spread to many Asian countries/regions by dissemination of Buddhism and Hinduism which functioned as conveyors of Indian thoughts, and, subsequently, culture and society of each countries/regions including Japan were deeply influenced by them. The “cyclic image” upon which the thoughts in question are commonly based, however, has been paid little attention by scholars, because of the tendency that they explore both the methodologies, of existence of living things and that of the world, separately.

In this research project, we attempt to clarify what was the process of emersion and evolution of the “Indian ontology in the cyclic image,” in which both the types of methodology are meaningfully integrated and related to each other. This research will provide fresh insights into the socio-cultural basis common among South, East, and Southeast Asian countries/regions.


班員(学外) Off-Campus Members

氏名 Name 所属 Affiliation
手嶋 英貴 
[班長 Coordinator]龍谷大学 法学部
RYUKOKU University
高島 淳  
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
中村 史  
小樽商科大学 商学部       
OTARU University of Commerce
梶原 三恵子
東京大学大学院 人文社会系研究科 
The University of TOKYO
堂山 英次郎
大阪大学大学院 人文学研究科   
OSAKA University
西村 直子 
東北大学大学院 文学研究科    
TOHOKU University
川村 悠人 
広島大学大学院 人間社会科学研究科
HIROSHIMA University
菊谷 竜太 
高野山大学 文学部        
KOYASAN University
尾園 絢一 
広島大学大学院 人間社会科学研究科
HIROSHIMA University
大島 智靖 
東京大学 死生学・応用倫理センター
The University of TOKYO
髙橋 健二 
東京大学大学院 人文社会系研究科 
The University of TOKYO
山城 貢司 
東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター
The University of TOKYO
塚越 柚季 
東京大学大学院 人文社会系研究科 
The University of TOKYO
矢野 道雄 
井田 克征 
中央大学 総合政策学部      
CHUO University
眞鍋 智裕 
北海道大学大学院 文学研究院   
HOKKAIDO University
伊澤 敦子 
東京大学 文学部         
The University of TOKYO
吉水 清孝 
財団法人 東洋文庫        
Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library)

2023年07月07日 更新

班員(学内) On-Campus Members

氏名 Name 所属 Affiliation
天野 恭子
AMANO, Kyoko
文学研究科 人文学連携研究者
collaborative researcher, Graduate School of Letters
横地 優子
Graduate School of Letters
井狩 彌介
IKARI, Yasuke
(Professor Emeritus)
藤井 正人
FUJII, Masato
(Professor Emeritus)
虫賀 幹華
The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research
大木 舞 
Graduate School of Letters

2023年07月07日 更新

班員(所内) Internal Members

氏名 Name 所属 Affiliation
岩城 卓二
IWAKI, Takuji
[副班長 Deputy Coordinator]

2023年07月07日 更新