班長:村上 衛
Coordinator: MURAKAMI, Ei
共同研究拠点>共同研究班一覧(2024年度)A,B へ
共同研究拠点>共同研究班一覧(2024年度)A,B,C へ
This research project regards the customs, common sense, norms, order, and behavior patterns that define society and the economy as “institutions” and aims to elucidate the uniqueness and universality of Chinese institutions.
Ipreviously organized three research projects based on empirical studies of China's modern and contemporary history: “Reorganization of Social and Economic Institutions in Modern China” (2012–2015), Social and Economic Institutions in China during the Period of Transition (2016–2019), and Institutions and Models of Modern China (2020–2023) and explored the social and economic institutions that have historically emerged in China.
However, whether these institutions are unique to China or common to other regions remained unclear. This research group aims to compare Chinese institutions with those of regions other than Japan and Western Europe, to place the Chinese institutions within the context of other institutions around the world, and to elucidate both the uniqueness and universality of Chinese institutions.
Research period: Apr.2024 – Mar.2027
2022年07月18日 更新
Last updated on July 18, 2024