Cultural resources and cultural movements

班長:菊地 暁
Coordinator: KIKUCHI, Akira

共同研究拠点>共同研究一覧(2024年度)A,B,C へ



Cultural resources’ can be likened to ‘resource waste’. Resource waste is a resource that is collected, classified, treated and recycled because it has some potential for use, although it is still waste. Similarly, “cultural resources” can be regarded as cultural objects for which there is no known use at the moment, but which are found to have some potential for use and are therefore objectified. And one major factor that has brought interest in ‘cultural resources’ into the foreground is the dramatic transformation of society, known as digital transformation, and one part of this is the development of digital humanities.

Based on the above awareness of the issues, the aim of this joint research is to reveal the reality of the ‘cultural movement’ that produced and passed on such materials, based on the analysis of specific individual materials, such as university, school, publication and photographic materials.

Research period: Apr.2023 – Mar.2026

2022年07月18日 更新
Last updated on July 18, 2024