A Bibliographic Research Project on Old Chinese Books
 Previously Housed at the Institute of Oriental Studies

班長:矢木 毅
Coordinator: YAGI, Takeshi

共同研究拠点>共同研究一覧(2022年度)A,B,C へ


In April 1938, following the dissolution of the Oriental Studies Academy, the old Kyoto Institute associated with that academy became independent and was renamed the "Institute of Oriental Studies", which has since developed into the "Department of Oriental Studies of the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University".
The present institute has inherited all of the old Chinese books that were previously housed in the old one, and details of those historical collections can be viewed in the Catalogue of Old Chinese Books Housed at the Kyoto Institute of Oriental Studies Academy, published in 1938, and in the Additional Catalogue of Old Chinese Books Housed at the Institute of Oriental Studies, published in 1941.
Our research project re-examines the information in these catalogues and attempts to enhance the accuracy of the KANSEKI database—an online catalogue based on former catalogues. The project involves creation of an additional database covering prefaces and postscripts of the books. It will also involve collection of information about ex-libris ownership stamps and their publication in pictorial books.
In the near future, as part of the 100th anniversary of the institute, exhibitions will be held with the objective of reviewing and restructuring oriental studies in Japan.



氏名 所属
矢木 毅 班長
髙井 たかね
永田 知之
藤井 律之
福谷 彬
古松 崇志
宮宅 潔

2021年05月31日 更新