Chinese Laity’s View of Buddhism: Reading the Expanded Collection of the Propagation of Light compiled by Daoxuan in the Tang

班長:船山 徹
Coordinator: FUNAYAMA, Toru

共同研究拠点>共同研究一覧(2022年度)A,B,C へ

本研究班は,共同研究班「中国在家の教理と経典」の方法と成果に基づき,唐の道宣撰『広弘明集』に収める中国在家の著作から彼らの仏教観を検討する。四〜七世紀頃の中国で仏教は様々な発展を遂げた。出家僧だけでなく文人等の在家信者が果たした役割も大きかった。出家者が学んだ経典や論書は現在の大蔵経の全貌を理解することから知られるが,一方,在家者の仏教知識がどの程度のものだったか,それは出家社の理解と相違する点があったのか,在家者に共通の得手不得手があったか等の問いに答えることは予想以上に難しく,現在に至るまで確かな答えは得られていない。人文研ではかつて六朝隋唐時代の知識人や庶民の仏教を知るため,『肇論』『弘明集』等の会読が行われた。本研究班はその流れを継承しながら,多くの在家仏教徒の著作を収める道宣撰『広弘明集』(7 世紀)を主な素材として中国在家仏教の実態解明を目ざす。

Based on the methodology and results conducted by “Buddhist Sutras and Doctrines for the Chinese Laity” (2016-20), this projects attempt to shed a new light on the acutal situation of Buddhist Laity in medieval China. As Chinese Buddhism underwent various developments between the fourth and seventh centuries, not only monastics but also laypeople played a large role. Although we can learn about the sutras and treatises studied by monastics through the entire Buddhist canon that is extant today, with regard to lay Buddhists, various questions remain unexpectedly difficult to answer, such as: To what extent did laypeople possess knowledge of Buddhism? On what points was that knowledge similar to and different from the knowledge held by monastics? Were there any shared likes and dislikes of particular Buddhist scriptures and ideas among laypeople? Previous seminars held in this institute studied texts such as the Zhao lun and Hongming ji in order to understand the Buddhism of intellectuals and ordinary people during the Six Dynasties, Sui, and Tang periods. The present research seminar aims to continue this line of inquiry, taking as its main source text the Expanded Collection of the Propagation of Light (Guang hongming ji, 7th c.) – in which the compiler Daoxuan gathered the writings of many lay Buddhists – in order to clarify the real conditions of lay Buddhism in China.



氏名 所属
船山  徹 班長
稲本  泰生
稲葉  穣
古勝  隆一
倉本  尚徳
中西  竜也

2021年06月17日 更新